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The NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition is the largest and most prestigious olive oil quality contest. Its list of award winners is the authoritative guide to the world’s best olive oils and the dedicated producers who craft them.
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As a NYIOOC award winning producer seeking to bring the extraordinary farms authentic produce to a wider audience. The World's Best Olive Oil is here!
Our mission. To provide consumers with the finest extra virgin oil, clear and transparent and absolutely without compromise.
Our olive oil is called First cold pressed meaning the extra virgin olive oil is made from the first milling of the olives, and during the milling process the olives and oil are not heated excessively. There are clear rules and standards producers follow to create extra virgin olive oil. You can count on our process.
Our oilve oil is high in polyphenols, which are antioxidant-rich and linked to various health benefits, low levels of free fatty acids (acidity) and they taste full-bodied and astonishing. Simply stated, a low level of free fatty acids is an indicator of a superior olive oil. So, an acidity level of 0.8 percent is average, 0.5 percent is good and 0.3 percent is considered the highest quality. WP Trail Olive Farm oils contain less than 0.2 percent free fatty acids, meaning the company only uses oils pressed from the best olives, and with the highest production standards. Measuring free fatty acids is a highly technical way to measure quality.
Where companies often sacrifice quality for quantity, our exclusive selection of extra virgin olive oil falls within the guidelines of the coveted “ International Olive Councils standards and is the world's only international intergovernmental organization in the field of olive oil and table olives ” – the highest standard of quality EVOO in the world. How the fruit was grown, transported and harvested, how it was milled into oil, and how the oil was packaged and bottled all provide the characteristics of an extra virgin olive oil.
Objective, verifiable chemical standards form the foundation of the UP grade. Chemical analysis has proven to be a fundamental indicator of sensory quality, predictor of perishability, and authenticity of olive oils.
More than 20 million years old this shallow sea basin area created an earth with gentle hills conducive to olive growing, with good drainage, constant rejuvenation , proximity to the sea and a perfect temperate climate.
Today, consumers are becoming more aware of the advantages of US grown Georgia olive oil and in increasing numbers. A series of awards and accolades at international events has been instrumental in this progress, as too have numerous academic studies pointing to the benefits of olive oil consumption and highlighting the qualities of a premium olive oil as Woodpecker Trail Olive produces in particular.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats; omega-3, omega-6, and oleic acid – the good fats. This fatty acid is believed to have many beneficial effects and is a healthy choice for cooking.
Benefits to
But olive oil is also loaded with powerful antioxidants some of which have powerful biological effects.
It is also known to reduce the risk of heart disease and protect cells from damage.
Research shows that consuming between 25 and 50 mL (2 tablespoons) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil per day is associated with health benefits, especially for heart health (e.g. cholesterol and blood pressure health). Evidence shows that people who consume a Mediterranean style diet enjoy various health benefits. The Mediterranean style diet is now recommended by governments, scientists and health professionals as an example of a nutritional gold standard with a considerable body of evidence to support very significant beneficial effects on health and wellness. Source
Close your eyes. Think of olive oil. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are it’s a typical Mediterranean meal. Or you’re transported to a beautiful olive grove.
These images define our perception of olive oil. They also tell the story of the industry’s success. But today, olive groves have an even greater significance—for the planet’s future.
Olive groves are a natural carbon sink. studies show that, by absorbing CO2, 1 acrea of olive trees can offset a person’s annual carbon footprint. Additionally, our farm invest in the sustainable farming practices so vital to protecting the soil and planet. Thanks to our drip irrigation system, we irrigate exclusively in the necessary quantities, not wasting a drop of this scarce resource. We commit ourselves every day to make the most of our olive groves, at the same time that we contribute to the environment, being more sustainable and with an abundant biodiversity with natural growing production techinques.
Woodpecker Trail Olive Farm
2437 Highway 121 Glennville GA 30427, US email: info@woodpeckertrailolivefarm.com
REAL REVIEWS FROM REAL SHOPPERS: "Great Olive Oil: We were at a villa in Italy that has olive trees and the owner served us some recently pressed oil from her trees and it was wonderful with a fresh peppery taste. My first-time tasting Woodpecker Trail Olive Oil reminded of that oil in Italy, hard to believe it comes from South Georgia. I recommend this oil for dipping fresh sourdough or Italian bread in or serving with fresh home-grown North Georgia tomatoes in the summer. "
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